The house of the slimming

The mere thought of excess weight results in the horror of practically all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Every woman wants to have a slim figure, beautiful forms and a perfect body, but, unfortunately, nature has endowed with a set of rare qualities of them. All the others have put a lot of effort to get the desired results and keep it on the long term. Generally, gaining pounds is much easier than to get rid of them, to do this, you need to spend a lot of time and effort.


Often, think of weight loss, the women start at the time where the things of their wardrobe ceases to be at the size and do not converge on the size. At this time, starts to look for the gym closest and most effective of the power. And what of those who do not have the opportunity to attend sports clubs and to pamper you the dom specialities, included in the menu of a new kind of most of the plans. Do not worry, in fact, lose weight fast and regain the original form can be in the home, performing a number of simple, but very effective recommendations.

The characteristics of the house of thinness

The first thing that you need to pay attention to the duration of the period of weight loss. The home exercises and the actions you will take to get rid of the excess weight, do not get out of the house, are very different from what was proposed trainer in the gyms and nutritionists in the health centres. It is worth to say that your weight will return to normal quite slowly and gradually, but very stable. Do not expect to be in the first month of weight loss of 20 kilograms, the maximum that you can lose 5 pounds and a few inches to the size. This is the kind of mode of thinness and an intensity of the weight reduction are considered as a maximum safe for the health. If drugs or devices that promise to you fantastic of the reincarnation of the ladies with the forms of the woman of the appearance of the model in a week, then it is probably a hoax, or even the slimming subjected to mass chronic diseases and disorders of functioning of internal organs.

In the house weight loss, as has been done in any other, it is important to persevere. If you follow the recommendations that will help you deal with the excess weight in a few weeks, and after that, go back to the normal life, which became the cause of education in pounds and inches, all your efforts will be spent in vain, because the weight will come soon, and maybe even with a vengeance. Decide to change your body for the better, you need to make changes in your lifestyle, getting rid of bad habits that are detrimental to your appearance and your health.

Reduce the consumption of calories

Often, if you ask how many calories you consume in a day. As a rule, their counting, we take care only to sit on another plan, which involves stringent constraints in the food and calories, respectively. But even if you have never followed to its calorie content of the food, now is the time to start doing it. The first rule to remember once and for all, it is that the quantity consumed by you in the day, the calories in no case, shall not exceed the number of calories burned. Therefore, if you are sedentary and a sedentary lifestyle, and the number of calories should be less than in the active, or engaged in the physical work of the people.

weight loss methods

Manage an accounting strict, do not forget to make the list you consumed food, even small snacks in the shape of an apple or candy. Only in this way you will be able to get in the end of the day, an exact number. If you notice that a day eaten in excess, increase the physical load expected during this period, the abandonment of the journey by lift or by descending to the foot of several work stoppages at the house.

A change of regime

Let's start with the most terrible of the restrictions, which most often is the cause of the termination of pension plans, it is the failure of the sweet. As we know, almost all, is loved by a lot of women of sweetness, are among the products to be very high in calories. This is why, if you want to lose weight in the shortest time possible, then you must forget the sweets and confectionery. The fact that they are sources of fast carbs, which are instantly processed by the body, do not linger in him, and come as the pounds and centimeters, the most notable areas of the female body. In addition to candy, it is recommended to reduce and the consumption of sugar, which should be reduced to a minimum or eliminate completely from your diet.

We turn now to the fats, which are also present in our diet in large quantities. Want to lose weight, do know that fat and a slim figure – these are two incompatible things. However, you should not give up any fat. They must be present in the diet but in very limited quantity, because fats play a very important role in the life processes of the organism and the metabolic processes. They can be an excellent source of energy that will be used during the reduction of the amount of calories consumed per day.

Power Mode

Just count calories and eat useful and healthy food little bit to get the desired results and weight to the house. For the extra pounds began to disappear, you need to adhere to a certain mode of nutrition that will help you to use rationally all, enter the body of the nutrients and recycle them into energy, and does not turn into body fat.

Let's start from the beginning, and it is with a breakfast, which is an integral and important part of the daily diet. In addition, the good and dense will be your breakfast, depends on the progress of all the rest of the day. Include the products, allowing the body energy over a long period of time. This will help you to avoid snacking, which do not bring any benefit but only cause a weight gain.

As for the dinner, in this period, it is recommended to reconstitute the stocks of protein in the body, by eating fish or meat, cooked to the vapor, as well as vegetables, which are a source of vitamins and accelerate the process of digestion.

Dinner should be at least a few hours before bedtime. This is related to the fact that all, even the most useful product, enter the body after this time, are not digested completely and deposited in the form of a excess weight-scary to many women.

Physical activity

exercise for weight loss

No, even the most balanced weight loss program is not to be effective, if it is not accompanied by regular physical activities. It is often the lack of physical activity is the cause of the education of excess weight. To avoid this, make sure you exercise. Select training for some time, and work on the form established to advance the program, that you can find on the internet or in specialized books, the details of the order and the characteristics of the execution of the exercises. Try practicing at the same time, at least three times per week. In addition to the training sessions, as often as possible, go walking, leading an active life, and your body will soon take the desired shape, delighting you positive changes.